Monthly Archives: October 2016

Welcome October

I overheard a transit driver today telling some tourists that the weather in Vancouver is “turning bad” … so I thought I would snap a picture and prove how horrible today was:


Ridiculous, right?!

I was supposed to attend the CFL game last night between BC & Ottawa, but I was battling yet another headache/migraine. I actually went to bed around 8:30 pm.

Unfortunately, that meant I was up early … WAY early! I was up today at 1:30 am and was unable to get back to sleep. I made my morning very productive … I cleaned out my freezer, organized my dresser drawers, cleaned the kitchen … and then took a nap around 6:00 am for about an hour.

I did a quick trip to Costco … picked up some peas for snacks and spinach for my smoothies. One of my October Goals/Habits is to incorporate a salad every day … but I truly do not like/crave salad, so I compromised with adding spinach/greens to my smoothie instead!

Here are my October Goals/Habits:

  1. walk to work each work day
  2. make the bed each morning (not health-related, but definitely something I don’t do right now!)
  3. strength exercises 2 – 3 times per week
  4. core work 3 – 4 times per week
  5. limit caloric intake to 1,500 daily
  6. walk home from work or 30 minutes of cardio in the gym after work
  7. incorporate greens into daily meals (likely in my smoothie)

I picked 7 goals/habits as there are 7 days per week … just one of my OCD things 🙂

Here are a couple other great shots I got this week:


Watched a YouTube video today by Kalyn Nicholson and she offered a Fall Reading List … so I think I’m heading to Chapters/Indigo tomorrow to review them!

I also cleared up a concern with my Mom that I’ve had for a while. I’ve already spent $419 for a round-trip flight home at Christmas, and I’ll have to spend ~$150 for my cat sitter while I’m gone … plus there’s the cost of Christmas!

We agreed to do only stockings and keeping the dollar limit to $50 each. Now, since I “have” to buy for Mom and Wayne, I know that means $100 … but I honestly don’t suspect they will keep my stocking to $50 (as there are 2 people to put into it) LOL

Now to figure out what to get them for $50 … I was thinking of gift cards … but that would mean maybe 2 x $25 cards each and nothing else? We always get magazines in our stockings, and they can run about $15 total per person …

I’ve suggested that I would like a Corkcicle because I’m always late thinking and buy wine on the way home … but it’s not cold. the Corkcicle would fix that in a jiff!

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